(1.新乡医学院期刊社《眼科新进展》编辑部, 河南省新乡市金穗大道601号 453003;2.河南省科技期刊研究中心, 河南省新乡市金穗大道601号 453003)
Influencing factors of the foreign periodical papers cited peaks research based on library and information science journals included by SSCI
(1.Recent Advances in Ophthalmology, Xinxiang Medical University, 601 of Jinsui Road Xinxiang 453003, China;2.Henan Research Center for Science Journals, Xinxiang Medical University, 601 of Jinsui Road Xinxiang 453003, China)
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投稿时间:2015-05-07    修订日期:2015-08-13
中文摘要: [目的]调查SSCI收录图书情报学期刊论文的被引峰值年代及其影响因素,为了解国外期刊论文被引峰值年代提供参考资料。[方法]以2004年SSCI收录53种图书情报学期刊为研究对象,调查2003年、2004年、2005年发表论文的被引峰值年代,并观察不同出版周期、出版语种、出版国家及不同文献计量学指标的期刊被引年峰值年代的差异。[结果]SSCI收录53种图书情报学期刊2003-2005年发表论文的被引峰值年代分别为发表后(5.4±2.4)年、(4.6±1.8)年、(4.0±2.0)年,被引峰值年代随时间发展逐渐提前,不同国别、不同出版周期及不同文献计量学指标SSCI收录图书情报学期刊的被引峰值年代不同;出版语种对被引峰值年代可能无明显影响。[结论]网络环境下,国外期刊论文被引峰值延迟,而期刊出版国家、出版周期及文献计量学指标对期刊论文被引峰值时间有一定影响。
中文关键词: SSCI  图书情报学期刊  被引峰值
Abstract:[Purposes] To investigate the SSCI included peaks library and information science journal papers cited and its influencing factors, in order to provide reference for the study of foreign journals cited in the peak age.[Methods] SSCI included 53 kinds of library and information science journals in 2004 as the research object, research 2003, 2004, 2004 published papers cited peaks, and observe the publication cycle, publication languages, different publication countries and different literature metrology index journals cited peaks difference.[Findings] The SSCI included 53 kinds of library and information science journals published in 2003-2005 peaks were (5.4±2.4)years, (4.6±1.8)years and (1.8±2.0)years, cited peaks development gradually over time in advance, different publication country, different publication cycle and different literature metrology index SSCI library and information science journals cited peak;Publication language maybe had no obvious effect on cited peak. [Conclusions] Under the network environment, the paper has been cited the peak delay, and the different publication country, the publication cycle and the literature metrology index of the journal is cited the peak time is different.
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