(1.曲阜师范大学日照校区图书馆, 山东省日照市烟台路80号 276826;2.曲阜师范大学传媒学院, 山东省日照市烟台路80号 276826)
The f(x)-index: a new index to evaluate the academic influence of journals
(1.Library of Rizhao Campus, Qufu Normal University, 80 Yantai Road, Qufu 276826, China;2.School of Communication, Qufu Normal University, 80 Yantai Road, Qufu 276826, China)
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投稿时间:2015-04-25    修订日期:2015-09-02
中文摘要: [目的]为丰富期刊学术影响力评价指标体系,提出了一种新的期刊学术影响力评价指标-f(x)指数。[方法]以《中国科技期刊引证报告》2012年期刊目录中的34种图书情报学期刊为例,通过CNKI获取各期刊2012年的载文量、篇被引频次,利用excel、c++计算相应评价指标的得分,并根据f(x)指数的得分对期刊进行排名。[结果]与当年遴选出的CSSCI核心期刊相比,评价结果准确率达94.12%;对各指标进行相关分析,发现f(x)指数与包括影响因子在内的多种期刊评价指标存在较强的正相关。[结论]f(x)指数利用对数函数的性质,考虑了期刊的载文量、总被引、篇均被引等因素,考虑了低被引和高被引论文的差异性,可作为期刊学术影响力评价的指标。
Abstract:[Purposes] In order to enrich the evaluation index system about the academic influence of journals, we propose a novel method which named f(x)-index.[Methods] Taking the 34 LIS journals of the china S&T journal citation reports of 2012 as examples, we acquired the published article volume and cited frequency of each journals through CNKI and calculated the corresponding parameter values by excel and C++ tools, in the end, ranking those journals according to the f(x)-index.[Findings] Compared with the CSSCI core periodical, the accuracy of evaluation results is about 94.12%. With analysis of correlation of each index, we find that the f(x)-index has a strong positive correlation with a variety of journals evaluation index which includes impact factor.[Conclusions] The f(x)-index not only considers the numbers of publications, citation count and average of citation count, but also the differences between low cited and high cited papers by using the properties of logarithmic function, which can be used as the evaluation of academic influence about journals.
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