(中国科学院上海有机化学研究所《化学学报》编辑部,上海市零陵路345号 200032)
Thinking and practice of shortening scientific journals publication delay:in a case of acta chimica sinica
(Editorial Department of Acta Chimica Sinica,Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry,Chinese Academy of Science, 345 Lingling Road, Shanghai 200032,China)
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投稿时间:2015-03-02    修订日期:2015-06-10
中文摘要: 摘 要 【目的】探寻缩短科技期刊论文发表周期的有效方法。【方法】通过文献调研和思考分析,总结了影响论文发表周期的因素,并在《化学学报》实践的基础上,提出了缩短发表周期的有效方法。【结果】 影响论文发表周期的因素主要包括:流程和制度因素、人员因素、工具和技术因素及其它因素,针对这些因素《化学学报》采取了相应措施,论文发表周期明显缩短。【结论】 针对影响论文发表周期的因素,结合期刊的实际情况采取相应措施可有效缩短论文发表周期。
Abstract:Abstract: [Purposes]This paper aims at exploring effective methods to shorten the papers publication delay of scientific journals.[Methods] Through literature survey, thinking and analysis, the factors affecting papers publication delay were summarized, and the effective ways to shorten the publication delay were proposed based on the practice of Acta Chimica Sinica. [Findings] The factors affecting the publication delay include process and pattern, related personnel, tools and techniques, and others. In view of these factors, Acta Chimica Sinica changed the peer-review and publication modes, strengthened the editorial board and editorial staff, improved editors quality, and adopted advanced tools and new techniques, which obviously shortened the publication delay. [Conclusions] Towards the factors affecting the publication delay mentioned above, corresponding measures should be adopted based on the actual situation of the journal, which can effectively shorten the publication delay.
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