(大连化学物理研究所《能源化学(英文)》编辑部, 大连市中山路457号 116023)
Analysis on the measures of enhancing the international impact of Journal of Energy Chemistry
(The Editorial Office of Journal of Energy Chemistry of Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, 457 Zhongshan Road, Dalian 116023, China)
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投稿时间:2015-03-02    修订日期:2015-06-11
中文摘要: 摘 要 【目的】探讨科技期刊国际化发展的新举措,以期对我国科技期刊国际影响力的提高提供参考。【方法】采用文献研究、比较研究和归纳分析的方法,以《能源化学(英文)》发展沿革的历史为切入点,对我国科技期刊提高国际影响力的具体方法进行了分析和探讨。【结果】 经过近八年努力,期刊在Journal Citation Reports(JCR)的Energy & Fuels和Chemistry (Applied) 分类中位于Q2区;自2011年起,SCI影响因子逐年提高,2013年升至1.788,连续四年在中国化学类及能源类期刊中名列前茅。【结论】学术期刊应该深化期刊改革,立足国内,放眼国际,以提高稿件质量为核心,优化办刊流程,不断提高期刊的国际影响力。
Abstract:Abstract: [Purposes]This paper analyzes the new measures of internationalization of scientific journals so as to provide references for the improvement of international impact of scientific journals in China. [Methods] Based on the internationalization process of Journal of Energy Chemistry, detailed measures were analyzed and discussed by researches on references, comparison methods and induction. [Findings] By eight years of internationalization practice, Qualities of Journal of Energy Chemistry rank Q2 in the Energy & Fuels category and Chemistry (Applied) category. Its impact factor increases per year and ranks so highly for the recent four years in succession among chemistry energy related journals of China, and it was 1.788 in 2013. [Conclusions] By the ways of continuously deepening journal reform, regarding publication of high quality papers as the core and optimizing the work process, international impact of Chinese scientific journals will be improved gradually.
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