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投稿时间:2015-02-11 修订日期:2015-05-07
投稿时间:2015-02-11 修订日期:2015-05-07
中文摘要: 摘 要 【目的】比较并分析SCI收录的综合性化学通讯类期刊,为不断提升中国科技期刊国际影响力做积极探索。【方法】 检索Web of Science查询5种化学综合性通讯类期刊的基本情况,分析2009-2013年期刊的影响因子、总被引频次、载文量、文献类型和稿源分布以及中国作者的论文对这5种科技期刊的贡献。【结果】 影响因子、总被引频次和载文量最高的是Chem Commun,其次是Org Lett, Chin Chem Lett影响因子和总被引频次提升最大。Chem Commun和Org Lett稿源主要集中在中国、美国、日本、英国、德国等,而Chem Lett和Chin Chem Lett则具有明显的地域性。从引用角度看,中国作者的论文质量普遍高于期刊的平均质量。【结论】要提升期刊的质量和影响力,除发表研究论文外,还可以发表高质量的综述类文章和述评;不仅要追求稿源国际化,还要发表国内高质量的文章,建设国际有影响力的期刊出版集团,建立集群化发展模式。
Abstract:Abstract: [Purposes]This article is aimed to further improve the international influence of Chinese scientific journals through comparative analysis on comprehensive chemical communication journals collected by SCI. [Methods] Through searching Web of Science, five comprehensive chemical communication journals were included for analysis. During the period of 2009~2013, impact factors, total citation frequencies, quantities of published papers, manuscript distributions, and contributions from Chinese authors of these five journals were compared and analyzed respectively. [Findings] Chem Commun had the highest impact factor, total citation frequency, and quantity of published papers; Org Lett was in the second place; impact factor and total citation frequency of Chin Chem Lett were improved significantly. The main manuscript sources of Chem Commun and Org Lett were from China, US, Japan, Britain, and Germany, etc. and manuscript sources of Chem Lett and Chin Chem Lett were both regionally distributed. In terms of citation, the article qualities from Chinese authors were generally higher than the average. [Conclusions] To further improve the journal quality and international influence, reviews with high quality and editorials can also be published besides research articles. Besides internationalized manuscript sources, domestic articles with high qualities should be preferably published. In China, constructing large publishers or companies with international influence and establishing a cluster mode are useful for journals development.
keywords: Comprehensive chemical communication journals Journal quality International influence Contributions from Chinese authors Clustering
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
Author Name | Affiliation | |
WANG Junli | The United Editorial Office of Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, 2 Nan Wei Road, Beijing 100050, China | cclfy@imm.ac.cn |