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投稿时间:2015-05-20 修订日期:2015-06-16
投稿时间:2015-05-20 修订日期:2015-06-16
中文摘要: 摘 要 【目的】探索科技期刊规模化的可行之道。【方法】以化学工业出版社化工系列精品期刊建设为例,总结了在合理的整体规划下每种期刊的办刊特色,探索化工期刊系列化的途径。【结果】从整体规划出发,以建构合理的化工刊群为目标,夯实《化工学报》、《中国化学工程学报》(英文版)的学术基础,以名刊带动新刊发展,提高社会效益;以技术期刊《化工进展》为平台,提升经营能力和经济效益;以创办新兴交叉学科新刊《生物产业技术》和《储能科学与技术》为增长点,实现刊群的可持续发展。【结论】走规模化办刊之路是科技期刊在现行体制下的一种现实选择。
Abstract:Abstract: [Purposes] The feasibility about scale management of Scientific journals is explored. [Methods] This study takes the series of chemical journals of Chemical Industry Press as an example. The development road of each journal under the overall plan is summarized. [Findings] To construct a reasonable series of chemical journals, the overall plan must be carried out: Solid academic foundation brings the new development of old famous journals and improves social benefits, such as CIESC Journal and CJChE. Technology journals can be regarded as a platform to enhance the management ability and economic benefits, such as Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress. The new founded journals of rising interdisciplinary fields, such as Biotechnology & Business and Energy Storage Science and Technology, have nurtured new growth points which realize the sustainable development of the journal-cluster. [Conclusions] The practice has shown that scale running is a realistic choice under the current situation of sci-tech journals.
keywords: Overall plan the series of chemical journals Excellent journals Academic influence Management New journals
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
作者 | 单位 | |
郗向丽 | 化学工业出版社,北京市东城区青年湖南街13号 100011 | xixiangli@cip.com.cn |
Author Name | Affiliation | |
XI Xiangli | Chemical Industry Press, 13 Qingnianhu South Street,Dongcheng District,Beijing 100011,China | xixiangli@cip.com.cn |