(武汉大学信息管理学院,湖北省武汉市武昌区珞珈山路16号 430072)
The content operation strategy for traditional academic publishers in an open information environment: a case study of IoPP
(School of Information Management, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China)
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投稿时间:2015-03-31    修订日期:2015-05-20
中文摘要: 摘 要 【目的】梳理开放信息环境下传统学术出版商的内容运营趋势,为我国学术出版发展提供借鉴。【方法】 选取学协会出版的代表性机构——英国物理学会出版社为研究对象,从内容运营视角分析其近年来在合作出版、学术增值、开放获取方面的建设策略。【结果】 英国物理学会出版社着重与世界范围内物理学组织和个人的良好交流和沟通,积极采用知识集成和知识发现方法,并大力支持开放获取运动。【结论】传统学术出版商应在内容开发层注重与研究人员、领域机构和图书馆等学术共同体的互动协作,在内容组织层强调学术资源加工处理和关联整合强度,在内容传播层充分利用开放获取环节。
Abstract:Abstract: [Purposes]This study aims at understanding and grasping the content operation strategy fundamentally for the traditional academic publishers in an open information environment, and providing a reference for the development of academic publishing. [Methods] The institute of physics publishing(IoPP), a representative body from association publishers, was selected for the study, and its content operation strategies were analyzed in recent years, including co-publishing, academic value and open access. [Findings] The IoPP focuses on the good communication between physics organizations and individuals around the world, the active use of knowledge integration and knowledge discovery methods, and the support for open access movement. [Conclusions] Traditional academic publishers should pay attention to the collaboration with researchers, academic institutions and libraries in content development process, the processing and integration of academic resources in content organization process, and the use of open access in content distribution process.
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