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投稿时间:2015-06-09 修订日期:2015-08-12
投稿时间:2015-06-09 修订日期:2015-08-12
中文摘要: [目的]从政府与社会、出版单位和编辑个体三个层面,探索在数字出版时代学术期刊出版编辑力提升的策略与路径。[方法]分析学术期刊的现实困境并指出,复合型人才缺乏,公共出版资源建设不足,出版技术难以转化为出版能力等是数字时代学术期刊出版编辑力没能快速提升的原因。[结果]政府和社会应该从多方面加强政策落实,出版单位应该在坚持传统优势的前提下实施数字发展战略,编辑个体应该加强学习,以积极的心态迎接数字出版的挑战。[结论]学术期刊要抓住政策与环境的机遇,切实加强自身建设,提升出版编辑力,发挥学术期刊对科技文化发展的引领作用。
Abstract:[Purposes] This paper probed the strategies and paths of promoting publication editing capability of academic journals in the age of digital publication from three dimensions: the government and the society, academic journals publication agencies and editors. [Methods] By analyzing the current dilemmas academic journals facing with, this article pointed out that the lack of interdisciplinary talents and public publication resources and the fact that publication technology could not be smoothly translated into publication capability constrainted the rapid promotion of publication editing capability of academic journals in the age of digital publication. [Findings] The government and the society should consistently enforce policies;the publication agencies should insist on the traditional advantages, carry out the strategy of academic publication;editors should strengthen study and meet the challenge of digital publication actively. [Conclusions] Academic journals should grasp the policy and environment opportunities, strengthen self construction substantially, and increase publication editing capability so as to guide the development of science, technology and culture.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
Author Name | Affiliation |
SHENG Xiu | Editorial Department of Journal of Changzhou University, 1 Gehu Rode, Wujin District, Changzhou 213164, China |