(煤炭科学研究总院出版传媒集团《煤炭科学技术》编辑部, 北京市朝阳区青年沟路5号 100013)
Comprehensive planning concept and practice of scientific journals
(China Coal Research Institute Publication Media Group, Coal Science and Technology, 5 Qingniangou Lu, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100013, China)
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投稿时间:2015-06-01    修订日期:2015-08-28
中文摘要: [目的]解决科技期刊在办刊中策划模式简单、策划内容单一等问题,进而通过提高策划水平来提升办刊质量。[方法]以《煤炭科学技术》杂志办刊中的专题策划、论文集策划、出书和培训策划、宣传策划实践为例,对科技期刊办刊的各项策划进行分析。[结果]提出包括全局策划、全元素策划、全流程策划、全员策划、全媒体策划、全视角策划的科技期刊"全策划"理念。[结论]对科技期刊进行丰富多样的策划,对于最终提高办刊质量、创造经济效益都是有益的尝试。
中文关键词: 科技期刊  策划  广告经营  选题  创新思维
Abstract:[Purposes] The purpose of this paper is to solve the problems of the simple models and planning contents during creating science and technology journals and to enhance the quality of the journals by improving the planning levels.[Methods] By the examples of planning the special themes in The Science and Technology of Coal, this paper planned the collection of essays, publishing books, planned training and promotion practice, and analyzed all the planning of creating a science journal.[Findings] This paper proposes the concept of "full planning" of scientific journals, including full-aspect planning, full element planning, whole process planning, all people planning, multi-media planning and whole perspective planning.[Conclusions] For a variety of planning of the journals of science and technology and ultimately improving the quality of the journal, it is a beneficial attempt to create economic benefits.
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