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投稿时间:2015-04-28 修订日期:2015-07-16
投稿时间:2015-04-28 修订日期:2015-07-16
中文摘要: 【目的】通过对稿约的修订,探讨如何优化生物医学期刊出版流程,更好为作者服务。【方法】 采用文献资料法、个案分析法确定医学期刊的稿约内容的基本条款。【结果】稿约条款分为期刊情况介绍,投稿须知,论文撰写规范,法律、伦理和道德4类57条。在确定稿约修订的条款后,对《临床儿科杂志》稿约进行逐条修订。【结论】 国内生物医学期刊对稿约的重视普遍不足,应注意对稿约的定期更新。
中文关键词: ICMJE 推荐规范 出版伦理 稿约修订 医学期刊
Abstract:[Purposes] In order to better help authors through updating the instructions for authors,and optimizing the publishing flow of biomedical journals. [Methods] Literature research and case study method are used to extract the basic items of instructions for authors in biomedical journals.[Findings] Brief journal introduction, manuscript submitting, manuscript requirements,and law and ethics are classified,and 57 items are extracted. The instructions for authors of Journal of Clinical Pediatrics are updated item by item.[Conclusions] The study concludes that the situation of updating of instructions for authors of Chinese biomedical journals is not favorable.
keywords: ICMJE Recommendation Publication ethics Updating instructions for authors Biomedical journal
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码: