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投稿时间:2015-05-06 修订日期:2015-07-30
投稿时间:2015-05-06 修订日期:2015-07-30
中文摘要: 【目的】深入了解埃博拉事件中科技期刊所承担的社会责任。【方法】 对中国知网(CNKI)上发表的所有篇名中含有埃博拉的论文进行统计分析,来源数据库为"中国学术期刊网络出版总库",检索结果使用Microsoft Office 2007 Excel进行整理和统计。检索截止时间为2015年7月15日。【结果】 自1995年至今20年间,共有150种科技期刊发表了579篇有关埃博拉的论文,其中以2014年发表的论文数量最多(259篇),占总发文量的44.7%。发文量与疫情暴发的年份基本吻合。【结论】 从分析结果可见,作为承载着科学传播任务的科技期刊,对此次埃博拉事件高度关注,从多方面、多角度进行了深层次的报道。
Abstract:[Purposes] This paper aims at making clear the social responsibility of scientific journals in Ebola events. [Methods] Statistic analysis is applied to treatises containing the word "Ebola" in their titles published on China National Knowledge Internet (CNKI). The source database is Chinese Academic Journal Web Publishing Pool. Microsoft Office 2007 Excel is used in the organization and statistics of search results. [Findings] Overall 579 treatises related to Ebola have been published on 150 kinds of scientific and technical journals in recent 20 years since 1995, while papers (259) published in 2014 takes the first rank accounting for 44.7%. The number of published articles is generally in accordance with epidemic outbreak. [Conclusions] Taking the mission of scientific communication, scientific journals pay great attention to Ebola events and carry out massive coverage from various perspectives and angles.
keywords: Ebola Scientific journal Social responsibility Media
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